Thursday, February 3, 2011

Different Types of Chemical Equation Part I


Today, I am going to talk about different types of chemical equations.

There are 6 in total:
  • Synthesis
  • Decomposition
  • Single Replacement
  • Double Replacement
  • Neutralization
  • Combustion
 Today, We are going to talk about the first 3.


Synthesis equation means that you are adding two or more elements to make one product

For example:

If you add red and yellow, the product will be an orange colour.

In chemistry, take Sodium and Chlorine for example

Sodium plus Chlorine will produce sodium chloride

Na + Cl2 → NaCl

From this we can make a general conclusion:

A + B → C
A+ B → AB


Decomposition is the exact opposite of synthesis.

For example:

Purple can be broken to red and blue

In relation to chemistry,

MgCl2 → Mg + Cl2

This means that magnesium chloride will produce Magnesium solid and Chlorine gas.

From this we can form a general formula:

AB → A+B

C   → A+B


Single replacement is when a compound and another reactants switch "partners".

For example,

Lets say Bob, Jill and Jack when to a prom.

For one song, Bob and Jill are dancing, Jack is dancing alone.

For the next song, Jill and Jack are dancing while Bob is dancing alone.

Back to chemistry:

In the equation,

MgCl2 + Na → NaCl + Mg

In this case, Mg and Na switched spots.

There is another case where there is 2 non-metals instead of 2 metals like the equation before.

It would look like this:

NaCl + Br2 → NaBr + Cl2

It is exactly the same.

There is a general formula:

AB + C → AC + B

That's it for today, see you later.

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