Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Translating Word Equations & Balancing Equations


I am just going to go over some basics in how to translate word equations and balance equations.

Translating word equations:

This is a review from last year's science classes, but we'll go over it again.

Ex. aqueous aluminum oxide and sulphuric acid produce water and aqueous aluminum sulphate.


Find all the elements in the periodic table.


Put the right charges and balance equation.

Note, in word equations like these "and" means "+" sign, "produce" means "→"
Balancing equations

First, make sure the number of atoms are equal in both sides of the equation.

Eg.  MgBr2  + Cl2  →  MgCl2  +  Br2 

You can see in this equation that there are:

 2 atoms of Br

2 atoms of Cl  &

1 atom of Mg

This is important because if it is different for each side, then it goes against the law of conservation of Mass.

In order to do this efficiently, follow these guidelines:

1. Try to balance metal ions. They are easier to deal with.

2. Balance the non-metals.

3. Balance Oxygen, Hydrogen and Carbon last.

 Try some examples on this site:

I will put up answers next time.

See you later.

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