Thursday, October 14, 2010

How to Name Complex Acids

Hello we are back with more acids!! (AHHH!! It's burning my face!!)

Here are the rules:

1. any polyatomic atoms(that are negatively charged) that end with --ate replace with --ic
    any polyatomic atoms(that are negatively charged) that end with --ite replace with --ous

2. Put "acid" at the end


HCH3C00 - acetic acid (CH3C00 is acetate which you need to replace with --ic)

HClO3      - chloric acid (ClO3 is chlorate which you need to replace with --ic)

HClO2      - chlorous acid (ClO2 is chlorite which you need to replace with --ous)

H2SO3      - sulphurous acid (SO3 is sulphite which you need to replace with --ous)

So this is basically how you name acids!!! :D

Thanks for tuning in!! Bye!

Written by JK (Oct 14,2010)

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