Thursday, October 14, 2010

How to Name Acids

Acids are formed when a compound compsed of hydorogen ions and negatively charged ions become an aqueous or dissolved in water.

*Note: all numbers underlined are subscripts.

In water, these ions separate when dissoved. Also hydrogen ions join with H20(water) to form H30 (hydroniums)

Eg. H+ Cl - => HCl
       HCl (g) +H20 => H30 (aq)  + Cl (aq)

Guidelines in Naming Acids:

For columns 16 and 17, use simple acid formulas.

1. Use "hydro" as the beginning

2. Last syllable of the non metal is dropped and replaced with -ic.

3. Add "acid" at the end

* ________ide  → hydro___ic acid


1. HF(aq)  -  hydrofluoric acid

2. HCl(aq) -  hydrochloric acid

3. HBr(aq) - hydrobromic acid

4. HI (aq)  -  hydroiodic acid

5. H20 (aq)  - water  :D

6. H2S (aq) - hydrosulphic acid

7. H2Se (aq) - hydroselenic acid

Written by : JK (Oct 14, 2010)

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